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Winter Driving tips

Winter Driving tips

As winter rolls on, the experts at Caledon Chrysler know how difficult it can be to drive in the extreme cold and weather of the season. So far, it's been a rough winter in our area, with the Ontario capital region already seeing 20 more centimeters of snow than this time last year. At Caledon Chrysler, driver safety is one of our top concerns, especially during the winter months. That's why we thought our loyal customers would benefit from some of our top winter driving tips. Here are a few things you can do to keep you and your family safe until spring arrives.



Get Snow Tires

If you haven't already done so, get snow tires. The higher level of grip and braking power provided by snow tires make driving easier and safer. These specialty tires are made of a specialty rubber compound that remains both softer and pliable in the cold. This will not only increase traction but also guarantee that your tires remain properly inflated despite the temperature shifts. Don't forget to change back to your regular tires after winter subsides because snow tires wear down quickly on dry roads.


Always Be Prepared

Much like life in general, being prepared is the key to successful and safe winter driving. At Caledon Chrysler we suggest stocking your vehicle with a number of different safety and survival items such as a blanket, a spare charged cell phone, wind-up or solar radio, first-aid kit, extra winter clothes, jumper cables, antifreeze, kitty litter or sand for traction, dried or non-perishable foods, tire sealant, flashlight and extra batteries, and a shovel. Other great advice includes staying on main roads, removing all snow from your vehicle, and keeping up with the current and future weather forecasts.



Smart Driving

Driving smart is about more than just staying sober and keeping your eyes on the road. It is critical that you remain calm and try to be as smooth as possible while you accelerate and steering. We also suggest that you learn proper skidding techniques, safe braking, and how to avoid collisions in extreme conditions. In the end, smart driving is a combination of skill and common sense.

Proper Equipment

If you live in an area that gets extreme, winter weather as we see in and around Bolton, ON, Caledon Chrysler suggests that you invest in a vehicle that is equipped with the latest advanced safety features. One of the most helpful is Electronic Stability Control, as known as ESC, which is available on many of the new and pre-owned Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM vehicles at our dealership.


Stay Off the Road

While it may not be possible to stay off the roads, it really is the best advice when it comes to winter driving. Not only will this help you avoid snow-related accidents, but it will also allow local authorities to make main and side road passable for emergency vehicles. If you absolutely have to travel, slow and steady will win the day.


To learn more about how you can drive safely and effectively during our tough Canadian winters, please contact the experts at Caledon Chrysler today.

Categories: Service & Maintenance Tips
