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What To Take On A Road Trip

What To Take On A Road Trip


How To Pack For A Road Trip:


For adventurous souls who are suffering from wanderlust during this uncertain era of COVID-19, but can’t escape abroad yet due to travel restrictions, a road trip certainly fits the bill for a quick and convenient Ontario escape. You won’t have to worry about leaving the country or even the province during the pandemic, but you will also get to experience fresh air from outside the four walls of your home. We highly recommend to prepare your car for a road long trip by taking your road trip vehicles on a whirl to explore the beautiful scenery of our lovely province- of course, only with members of your household!


We have compiled a few road trip car packing tips to help you enjoy a relaxing, safe and well-organized getaway. Whether you are making a quick day trip or sleeping in your car on this road trip, now is your chance to embrace the open road. Here are our suggestions for road trip car tips to definitely keep in mind!


What To Bring On A Road Trip:


1. Water bottles:


As the temperatures rise and we look forward to a sunny Spring 2021, water bottles are a must. If you are driving with young kids or pets, you also don’t want a carload full of dehydrated little ones or fur babies. An essential on your road trip packing list, plenty of H2O is a must for the journey! You can keep a couple of water bottles in your glove box, or put a larger 12 pack or 24 pack in your car’s trunk.


2. Non-perishable snacks:


From granola bars to boxes of crackers to dried fruits and nuts, non-perishable snacks are a must. As it’s a road trip, and a trip to a random gas station for a snack haul en route is absolutely critical, don’t shy away from scooping up some bags of chips and candy as well! Just be sure to balance out the processed junk with some healthy goodies to keep your stomach from grumbling on the trip to your final destination.


3. Warm blankets and sleeping bags:


If you plan to sleep in your car, we recommend doing so safely. After all, this may not always be advisable for families with children, women travelling alone, vulnerable individuals or senior citizens, as not every area is safe and secure. Always try to scope out the area, and if you must sleep in your car, try a campground or campsite where others will be staying nearby as well. Bring warm blankets and sleeping bags, as temperatures can drop up north and lead to chilly nights. So, can you legally sleep in your car? It’s a big question that’s been on our minds as well! Well, according to Ontario laws, you can legally spend the night in your vehicle, but only in spaces where overnight parking permitted (for example, a campground). Just ensure you avoid the private property of strangers or areas like public parking lots for retailers, malls or other businesses.


4. Travel pillows:


Sure, we are not catching flights anytime soon, but we DO want to catch a good night’s keep while on the road. Get extra travel pillows, to transform your vehicle into an insta-bedroom come naptime or rest time.


5. First Aid Kit:


A First Aid kit should be in your car at all times, even if you are just driving to the office or on short errands. However, once you leave town, it becomes even more important to have First Aid essentials in your vehicle. Make sure you’ve got Band-Aids, gauze pads and alcohol wipes just in case.


6. Jumper cables:


Although roadside assistance is generally available when needed, it’s always wise to have a back-up plan in case you need to take matters in your own hands. That’s right, car repair issues can arise when least expected, and sometimes, you could be miles from help. Jumper cables (which are electric cables that can connect two vehicles together and help to jumpstart your engine) are always a smart save.


7. Toiletries:


From toilet paper to deodorant to a toothbrush, we highly recommend keeping a few travel-sized toiletries in the car. Just in case you end up ages from civilization and need to wash up in a public restroom or at a campsite, toiletries are a must.


8. Hand sanitizer, bug spray and sunscreen:


In today’s COVID era, you certainly don’t want to take any health risks when it comes to safety and hygiene. Pack hand sanitizer just in case you don’t have access to running water and soap. As well, sunscreen to keep you safe from those UV rays and bug spray in case you encounter pesky mosquitoes on warm days should all be packed along, too. In addition to this, our car cleaning tips for a safe ride would come in handy during covid.


9. Items for your pet:


From plastic bags to scoop up waste to food, travelling with your dog requires bringing along the right items. After all, we don’t want poor Fido to feel agitated, lonely or uncomfortable as your travelling companion on this road trip.


10. Paper maps:


This may sound a bit old school in the age of Google maps, but paper maps can be surprisingly handy even today! In case your phone is out of battery, misplaced or damaged while road tripping, a good, old-fashioned printed out map can always lead the way.


How To Pack A Car For A Road Trip?


Try rolling blankets and sleeping bags instead of folding, use the space behind your seats and invest in organizers/car travel bags to tote your goods.


How Often To Stop On A Road Trip With Dog?


If you have your dog along for the ride, it’s only fair to stop every four hours or so, if it’s a longer trip. According to Cesar’s Way, you should make a pit stop for 15-30 minutes on the four hour mark, for a comfortable and safe trip for your best friend.

Categories: The More You Know, What's New

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