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Tips For Driving In The Rain - Showers Are Here

Tips For Driving In The Rain - Showers Are Here

 Driving In The Rain


As Canadians who spend much of the year navigating the snowy and icy roads, most of us look forward to the warmer temperatures and sunnier skies that tend to accompany spring. However, we aren’t completely clear when it comes to weather conditions just yet- April showers are upon us, bringing slippery roads along for the ride.


Here at CarHub Automotive Group, we believe strongly in keeping our customers safe in their new CarHub vehicles one they leave the dealership. That’s why we have compiled this roundup of safe driving tips for steering safely on the rainy roads. Take a closer look, and keep these helpful suggestions in mind as you prepare for your daily commute this April.


1. Watch out for early signs of hydroplaning:


Also known as “aquaplaning”, this phenomenon takes place when a layer of H2O forms under your wheels, impacting their ability to move safely and smoothly on the surface of the road. Essentially, hydroplaning occurs when you have excess amounts of water- which can result in a skid and a slippery, dangerous situation for you and your passengers.


Be sure to watch out for the early signs of your vehicle sliding on the roads. Some of these include the drive wheels beginning to turn faster, the engine sound increasing in volume, increased speed, the steering wheel not working efficiently and the vehicle beginning to drift from the back.


Remember to remain focused (getting into panic mode certainly won’t help!) and to let go of the gas, and steer carefully in your desired direction.


2. Don’t speed:


Just like how we should not speed in the snow (or anytime at all, after all- you don’t want to break any road rules, put yourself or others at risk or wind up with a speeding ticket), the rain also calls for extra caution. Drive a bit more slowly if you find yourself stuck in a heavy rainstorm or thunder shower, as safety is always first.


While most drivers know and understand that they shouldn’t speed in the rain, the reason why you shouldn’t do so is actually more complex. Wet roads are more slippery as the extra water results in decreasing friction, due to the hydration causing a smoother surface. Of course, we can’t blame it all on the water, as other factors on the road also come into effect! That’s right, elements such as tar, rubber and oil on the roads end up combining with the water from the rain, leading to a slippery surface and a potentially dangerous drive.


3. Leave your home early:


Maybe you tend to drive fast on that morning drive to work so you can make it to your desk in time, but rainy springtime weather means that extra care and extra time are needed. Make sure to get your car ready for spring. Leave home early for your destination, whether it’s the office, an appointment or a trip for groceries, and you should be fine for staying safe while driving in the rain.


If you find that rainy weather is making you late for appointments, meetings or business, you may be underestimating your commute and the time needed to get to your destination. Try to give yourself an extra 10 minutes to account for any issues or delays en route.


4. Ensure your windshield wipers are functioning:


When it comes to an unexpected downpour, don’t let it rain on your parade! Your windshield wipers are your best friends during April showers, and you’ll want to be 100% positive that they are working accurately.


According to Autoblog.ca, you should be changing your windshield wiper blades approximately once every six months to once a year. For any Service-related concerns involving your windshield wipers, please contact our Service department today and make an appointment with us.


5. Avoid driving aggressively through puddles:


Sure, we may have all loved jumping through puddles as kids, but we are grownups now trying to maneuver ourselves on the highway of life! Basically, avoid the temptation to hastily cruise through those big puddles on the roads. Not only can you experience a hydroplaning incident, but you could also face the threat of damage to your vehicle’s engine. Try to steer away from puddles whenever you can, instead of splashing through them. Your car will thank you, and you’ll be more likely to arrive safely at your next destination as well! Plus, pedestrians will appreciate not being splashed- nobody wants to leave an angry, soaked mob in their wake as they speed away!

Categories: The More You Know, What's New

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