blog:finance Archives | CarHub Automotive Group
CarHub Helps People Get Loans

Buying a new car is an interesting, exciting, challenging, and fun process. For most people, the decision to buy a new vehicle is the most exciting one that they’ll make all year, and it can have lasting effects on their happiness and well-being. It’s often a joint decision, one that can be a bonding […]
Unlocking a Seamless Purchase: 29 Common Mistakes to Steer Clear of When Buying a New Car

If you're gearing up to purchase a new car, you've probably scoured the internet for tips and tricks to make the process smoother. While there's a wealth of information on the do's, what about the don'ts? In this blog post, we'll shed light on 30 possible car buying mistakes that car buyers often make […]
Is This a Good Time to Buy a Vehicle?

The pandemic has changed how we do, well, just about everything. Normal life things that we took for granted a year ago have been adjusted to maintain the safety of ourselves and everyone around us. The car buying experience is no different. Lockdowns have people itching to hit the open road but they also […]