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Regular Cab vs Quad Cab vs Crew Cab vs Mega Cab

Regular Cab vs Quad Cab vs Crew Cab vs Mega Cab

It’s been said (most notably by Barry Schwartz in The Paradox of Choice) that abundance of choice leads to indecision – so why does it seem like the makers of automobiles, specifically trucks, have not gotten the memo? Particularly when it comes to cab sizes.


When it comes to cab sizes for pick-up trucks, what can seem like too much choice, is actually just the right amount of choice, when you have someone to guide you through it. It all comes down to what your needs are.


So here we are with your incredibly simple guide to RAM cab sizing – we’ve skipped the spec charts with all those pesky numbers for this one and just stuck to the cold, hard facts (but if charts and numbers are your thing – check this out):


Regular Cab


Two doors and one row of seating for up-to 3 people – cozy up in the front! Compatible with all bed sizes and all trucks. Regular cabs also tend to be the least expensive and the most fuel efficient. Best option if you need a truck that moves stuff but not much need for people moving.


Quad Cab


Four doors and two rows of seating for up-to 6 people – but mind your knees in the back. The smallest of the two row seating options and only available on the RAM 1500. Allows for the largest bed size on the 1500. Quad cabs tend to be the least expensive and the most fuel efficient of the 6 passenger options. Best option if you require the long bed and will not have full size adults in the back often


Crew Cab


Four standard doors and two rows of seating for up-to 6 people – perfect for your whole crew (see what we did there)! Restricts the size of the bed available. Best option if leg room/comfort for your passengers is priority and the long bed is not needed.


Mega Cab


Four doors and two rows of seating for up-to 6 people plus some extra storage – the largest of the cab size options and only available on the 2500/3500. Best option if you require the largest cab size with a heavy-duty truck.


Here’s an incredibly oversimplified flow chart for you to help make your decision! You can also reach out to our sales team at CarHub for professional advice.


Regular Cab vs Quad Cab vs Crew Cab vs Mega Cab


-Sharon Pinfold-
Sharon has been in the auto industry since 2005 and has worked both in the Sale and Service Department of various New, Used, Domestic and Import brands.

Categories: The More You Know