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How To Do A Car Battery Inspection?

How To Do A Car Battery Inspection?

It always happens on the days you are in the biggest rush or the times you’ve parked your car on the coldest day in the largest parking lot; you run into your car as normal, shove the key in the ignition (or go to push the start button) and… nothing. Maybe a little clicking but definitely no starting. And that is when you start thinking "when was the last time I had my car battery inspection done?"


In order to start your combustion engine, your vehicle requires a battery to power the starter motor. Once your car is running, this battery powers various electrical systems in the car. Over time, like any battery, your car battery may need to be replaced. Of course, a battery that no longer starts your car is a pretty good sign you need a replacement - but are there indicators before that happens? 


car battery inspection


Here are some car maintenance tips to help you conduct a car battery inspection to check if your battery is in good working condition, before it stops starting:


    • Conduct a visual inspection of the car battery case: look for corrosion, cracks and/or leakage - any major damage to the case warrants replacing the battery


    • Check the battery terminals for corrosion - a small amount of corrosion around the positive and negative terminals can just be cleaned up and brushed off


    • Test your car battery - the most efficient way to test your battery without visiting the service department  is with a digital multimeter. While a multimeter can tell you if your battery has a charge - one multimeter test alone cannot tell you if the battery is good or not. A good battery will hold a charge, a bad battery may be able to be charged but will not hold the charge


  • Fully charge your car battery: using the multimeter to test your vehicle’s battery after it is fully charged and then again a few hours or a day later may assist you in understanding if your vehicle’s battery is holding a charge. To fully charge your battery you can use a portable battery charger - if you do not have one available, you can charge your battery by allowing the alternator to do it’s work. If your vehicle will not start, you will need to boost it first


  • How to boost your car? with jumper cables: take the red handled clamp and attach it to the dead vehicle’s positive (+) terminal and then the other red handled clamp to the donor vehicle. Now take the black handled clamp and attach it to the dead vehicle’s negative (-) terminal and then the donor vehicle’s negative. Start the donor vehicle, then attempt to start the dead vehicle. Disconnect in the reverse order that the clamps were attached.


Once boosted, take the car for a drive for at least 20 minutes to ensure the alternator has enough time to charge the battery.


Here at CarHub, we have professional testing techniques that allow us to determine if your battery is in good working condition if you prefer to save yourself the time and effort of inspecting and testing. Contact one of our Service Advisors to schedule a convenient time at CarHub service.


If you’ve already determined that you require a new battery, contact our Parts Department here, to order your new battery.

-Sharon Pinfold-
Sharon has been in the auto industry since 2005 and has worked both in the Sale and Service Department of various New, Used, Domestic and Import brands.

Categories: Service & Maintenance Tips

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